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Message from the Ambassador
Sa ngalan ng mga bumubuo ng Pasuguan ng Pilipinas sa España, nais kong bumati sa lahat ng mambabasa ng Ang Bagong Filipino magazine, ng isang Maligayang Pasko at Manigong Bagong Taon!

Another year has come and soon we shall be welcoming 2010 with much anticipation and hope. For many Filipinos, including those of us in Spain and Andorra, this is the time of year when we get together with our families and our loved ones, to celebrate the coming of Christ, the symbol of love, family and hope in the Christian world. This is the time we renew our faith in the Lord, to declare our hope for a better world, a better Philippines, and a better life for each one of us.

I wish to thank our dear kababayans in Andorra and in Spain, particularly in the areas of great concentration such as Madrid, Barcelona, Marbella, Malaga, Palma de Mallorca, Ibiza, Sevilla, Bilbao, Canarias, and Galicia, for their continued support of the programs and objectives of the Philippine Embassy in Madrid, the Philippine Consulate General in Barcelona and the POLO-OWWA Office in Spain.

Although I have only been here for 6 months, I have had the great pleasure of sharing in the warm and hospitable welcome given to me by our kababayans in Marbella in August and in Barcelona and Andorra during my visit there last November. I hope that in the coming year, I can visit all the wonderful thousands of Filipinos in this part of the world, our fellow kababayans who make us all proud to be Filipino.

Nais ko ring magpasalamat sa mga taong bumubuo ng Ang Bagong Filipino. Thank you for creating this new avenue of communication for all Filipinos in Spain and in Andorra. May you have much success in this endeavour of yours in the coming years.
Mabuhay ang Pilipino!

Ana I. de Sequera-Ugarte

Christmas Message of President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo / 24 Dec 2009 04:25 PM PST

On the very first Christmas, we were gifted by the Almighty with the greatest present of all – His only Son Jesus Christ, who brought us new hope as the living proof of God’s unequalled love for mankind.

On this Christmas, we call to memory once again this Sacred Gift. We draw renewed strength from the certainty that within our hearts and around us dwells the likeness of the Son of God.

This year, every test we faced carried with it an opportunity to lighten the burdens of life. We experienced God’s love for us in the charity and hopefulness that Filipinos gave to each other in their time of need.

This Christmas, let us remember the lessons that we learned this year. Let us remember that we can be assured that God will understand and comfort us.

Let us come together for the Almighty this Christmas. Let us fill our hearts with gratitude and share with our fellowmen the gift of love and hope, so that we may become worthy of God’s Greatest Gift.

I humbly thank the Almighty for the opportunity He has given me to serve our people the best that I can. And I thank the millions of Filipinos who love our country for their dedication to achieve our common dream of a better future.

I wish all of our countrymen a Christmas filled with love and a New Year full of peace.

Bon Nadal

Maligayang Pasko

Merry Christmas

Joyeux Noël

Feliz Navidad

Frohe Weihnachten

Santo Niño de Cebú

Santo Niño de Cebú

April 1521: The portuguese explorer Ferdinand Magellan, in the service of Charles I of Spain, gave this figure of the child Jesus which is called "Santo Niño" to the Queen Hara Amihan as a gift during the baptism of King Rajah Humabon. The Santo Niño figure is a symbol of the alliance between the now known Philippines and Spain. The character of the Santo Niño, which is considered the oldest religious relic in the Philippines, is kept in the parish convent of the Basilica del Sto. Niño in Cebú. More information on the official homepage

Abril 1521: L'explorador portuguès Ferdinand Magellan, al servei de Carles I d'Espanya, va regalar aquesta figura del Nen Jesús, a qui li diuen "Santo Niño", a la reina Amihan Hara amb motiu del baptisme del rei Rajah Humabon. La figura del Santo Niño és un símbol de l'aliança entre l'actual Filipines i Espanya. El caràcter del Santo Niño, que és considerada la més antiga relíquia religiosa a les Filipines, es conserva al convent parroquial de la Basílica del Sto. Niño de Cebú. Més informació a la pàgina oficial.

Galeria de fotos del Sopar de Nadal 2009
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Photo gallery of the christmas dinner 2009.
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Sopar de Nadal 2009

Sr. Joel Lanzanas, Mossen Ignasi Navarri, Secretari General i Cancel.ler del Bisbat d'Urgell, Mossen Ramon Sàrries, Hon. Cònsol Hans-Peter Holbach

Santa misa de Nadal 2009

Mossen Ignasi Navarri, Secretari General i Cancel.ler del Bisbat d'Urgell, va celebrar la santa misa a l'Esglesia Sta. Maria del Feners amb la Comunitat Filipina. Van asistir també tres seminaristes filipís (a l'esquerra) del Seminari Diocesà del Bisbat d'Urgell.

Galeria de fotos del Festa de Nadal 2009
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Photo gallery of the christmas party 2009.
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Democratic Alliance of Nationalist and Guardians Advocators of Liberty

Pastora Elizabeth Roque, Pastor Nelson Ramos, Hon. Cònsol Hans-Peter Holbach, Chapter Founder Perry Solomon

Ambaixadora Ana Inés de Sequera-Ugarte a Andorra

Video de la Televisió Andorrana de les noticies el dia 17 de Novembre 2009, de la Recepció de l'Excma. Sra. Ambaixadora Ana Inés de Sequera-Ugarte.

El ministre d'afers exteriors s'ha entrevistat avui amb nou ambaixadors acreditats a Andorra. Xavier Espot s'ha trobat amb diplomàtics de Malta, Xipre, Dinamarca, Grecia, Estònia, Guatemala, Canadá i la República Txeca. La darrera reunió l'ha mantiguda amb la Ambaixadora de les filipines que ha ofert la seva col.laboració en cas de necessitar cuidadores o infermeres d'aquesta nacionalitat. Al finalitzar la trobada a Govern l'Ambaixadora s'ha desplaçat per cert al Comú d'Andorra la Vella on s'ha reunit amb la Cònsol Major de la Parròquia, Rosa Ferrer. Durant la trobada, se han repassat las relacions de la Corporació amb la comunitat de filipins residents a Andorra la Vella.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs minister had a meeting today with nine ambassadors accredited to Andorra. Xavier Espot had a reunion with diplomats from Malta, Cyprus, Denmark, Greece, Estonia, Guatemala, Canada and the Czech Republic. The final meeting was taken place with the Ambassador of the Philippines, who offered her cooperation in case of need of nurses or caregivers of this nationality. After said reunion, which has taken place at the Government building, the Ambassador went to the City Hall of Andorra la Vella where she met with the Major of the Parish, Rosa Ferrer. During the meeting, they have discussed the Corporation's relations with the Filipino community residing in Andorra la Vella.

La nova ambaixadora de les Filipines visita el Comú d'Andorra la Vella
Dimarts 17. Novembre de 2009

D'esquerra a dreta: Hble. Sra. Maria Rosa Ferrer Obiols, Cònsol Major d'Andorra la Vella,
Excma. Sra. Ana Inés de Sequera-Ugarte signant el llibre de visites,
Hble. Sr. Josep Vila Circuns, Cònsol Menor d'Andorra la Vella.

D'esquerra a dreta: Hble. Sra. Maria Rosa Ferrer Obiols, Cònsol Major d'Andorra la Vella,
Hble. Sr. Josep Vila Circuns, Cònsol Menor d'Andorra la Vella,
Sr. Hans-Peter Holbach, Cònsol a.h. de les Filipines al Principat d'Andorra,
l'Excma. Sra. Ana Inés de Sequera-Ugarte, Ambaixadora de les Filipines a Andorra i Espanya.

Avui, dimarts 17 de novembre del 2009, a les 13.30 hores, l’Ambaixadora de la República de Filipines a Andorra, Excel·lentíssima Senyora Ana Inés de Sequera-Ugarte, ha efectuat una visita oficial al Comú de la Parròquia d’Andorra la Vella, on ha estat rebuda per la Cònsol Major, Senyora Maria Rosa Ferrer, acompanyada del Cònsol Menor, Senyor Josep Vila.
A la trobada hi han assistit el Cònsol General de Filipines a Barcelona, Senyor Eduardo José de Vega, el Cònsol Honorari Senyor Hans-Peter Holbach i el president de l’A ssociació de Filipins a Andorra, el Senyor Carlos Ramos Canlas.
La Cònsol Major ha convidat l’ambaixadora a signar el Llibre d’Or del Comú i li ha ofert un llibre amb il·lustracions de la Parròquia d’Andorra la Vella, així com també ha obsequiat el Cònsol amb un altre llibre.
Tot seguit, la Cònsol Major i l’Ambaixadora han mantingut una reunió al despatx oficial de Casa Comuna, d’una durada de 35 minuts, amb l’assistència de diversos components de la comunitat filipina a Andorra, en la qual la senyora de Sequera-Ugarte s’ha interessat per la realitat del país i de la capital, i per les institucions nacionals. Igualment, la senyora Cònsol Major ha explicat a la senyora ambaixadora els trets més significatius de l’activitat econòmica de la nostra parròquia.
Han repassat les presents relacions mútues entre els dos països i s’han felicitat per les molt positives relacions de la corporació amb la comunitat de filipins residents a la Parròquia i al país.
En concloure l’encontre, la Senyora ambaixadora de la República de Filipines ha manifestat el seu desig de tornar ben aviat a Andorra la Vella.  

El Periodic d'Andorra
17. Novembre 2009
Possible visita del President Txec a Andorra el 2010
El ministre d'Afers Exteriors i Relacions Institucionals, Xavier Espot, es va reunir ahir al matí amb els ambaixadors de nou països amb qui va tractar de diversos assumptes bilaterals. Espot va rebre al seu despatx de l'edifici administratiu la visita dels ambaixadors acreditats de Malta, Xipre, Dinamarca, Grècia, Estònia, Canadà, República Txeca, Guatemala i les filipines (a la fotografia). En la reunió amb l'ambaixador txec es va valorar una possible visita del president d'aquell país, Václav Klaus, durant l'any vinent.

Galeria de fotos del Sopar.
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Photo gallery of the dinner.
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16. novembre 2009
Sopar d'aniversari del Cònsol a.h. Hans-Peter Holbach
El M.I. Cònsol a.h. Sr. Hans-Peter Holbach invità a un dinar per a celebrar el seu aniversari amb l'Excma. Sra. Ana Inés de Sequera-Ugarte, Ambaixadora de les Filipines, com a invitada d'honor.

Galeria de fotos de la Ceremónia.
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Photo gallery of the ceremony.
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Presentació de les cartes credencials de l'Excma. Sra. Ana Inés de Sequera-Ugarte, Ambaixadora de la República de Filipines,
a Bisbe i Copríncep Mons. Joan-Enric Vives Sicília
en el Palau Episcopal de La Seu d'Urgell.

Dilluns 16. Novembre 2009

D'esquerra a dreta: Molt Hble. Sr. Xavier Espot Miró, Ministre d'Afers Exteriors d'Andorra.
Excma. Sra. Ana Inés de Sequera-Ugarte, Ambaixadora de les Filipines a Andorra,
S.E. Bisbe Joan Enric Vives Sicília, Copríncep episcopal, M.I. Sr. Nemesi Marques, Representant Personal del Copríncep.

Galeria de fotos de la Ceremónia.
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Photo gallery of the ceremony.
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Pàgina oficial del Bisbat d'Urgell >>>

A la Fira d'Andorra la Vella del 23 al 25 d'Octubre 2009
l'estand de Filand

13.10.2009. El Cònsol a.h. Sr. Holbach signa el llibre de Condolències en el Palau Episcopal a la Seu d'Urgell. Es va acomiadar del Arquebisbe i Copríncep d'Andorra, Joan Martí Alanis (1971 - 2003).


El Copríncep Joan, un estadista

Tots hem viscut moments de la nostra vida en què les paraules no ens són útils. No diuen prou. Tots coneixem aquesta experiència. Preferim el recolliment, la reflexió i el silenci. Què puc dir –i escriure– ara, però, de l’arquesbisbe Martí, que ha mort el mateix dia que es compleix el 47è aniversari de l’inici del concili Vaticà II? Fou un gran home, culte, obert, un gran bisbe de l’Església, pastor amatent dels cristians d’Urgell, inquiet pels temes socials, promotor dels mitjans de comunicació social i un gran Copríncep. Per la meva directa relació en tots aquests anys, en què m’honorà amb la seva confiança i amistat en el treball al servei d’Andorra, amb la brevetat i la urgència d’aquests moments puc sincerament dir que ja ha entrat de ple en la història d’Andorra un estadista, un gran home d’Estat. El primer anunci foren aquelles paraules de servei lleial al Principat en la seva ordenació episcopal a la catedral d’Urgell el gener de 1971. Des prés d’uns anys, en el moment de la ratificació, sanció i promulgació de la Constitució per part del Copríncep Martí al Saló del Tron, el síndic Jordi Farràs li responia: “Heu estat vós, Joan Martí, Copríncep d’Andorra, en el decurs dels més de 22 anys de mandat, un persistent defensor, davant de tots i de tothom, de l’existència i de la independència d’Andorra com a Estat. Raó per la qual, és de justícia que avui us ho reconeguem públicament i us ho agraïm.” Ha mort un estadista. Estadista,en primer lloc, és l’home d’Estat que fa una bona anàlisi de la situació. El Copríncep Martí llegí aviat les línies de força del temps i de la societat andorrana. Amb aquest objectiu anà a Càors el 1973 per entrevistar-se amb el Copríncep Pompidou. En segon lloc, estadista per treure ràpidament les conclusions sobre el que s’ha de fer i l’ordre successiu de les actuacions. La reforma de les institucions, iniciada a la segona meitat dels anys 70, n’és ja una clara conseqüència. Finalment, estadista és qui té la capacitat d’aglutinar i de transmetre aquestes conclusions a tots els que han d’actuar. El Copríncep Martí ho féu lleialment amb tots els seus col·laboradors, amb totes les autoritats andorranes, amb tots els coprínceps francesos, amb el rei i els governs d’Espanya i amb el Papa i la Santa Seu. Recordem-ho ara. El Copríncep Martí ja és en la història d’Andorra, al costat dels grans bisbes d’Urgell Pere d’Urtx, Francesc de Tovià i Josep Caixal, antecessors il.lustres dels cabdals moments de la mil·lenària vida del nostre país.

Joan Massa, Secretari General dels serveis del Copríncep Episcopal


Martí Alanis, un hombre de bien

Un hombre de bien, así de claro. En un mundo donde hay muchos títeres esperpénticos, Joan Martí Alanis, estudiante en Milán, licenciado en Clásicas en Salamanca, cura de Tarragona, director de la Escuela Diocesana de Montblanc, y después obispo de Urgell y copríncipe de Andorra, para mí siempre fue un hombre de bien. Una calificación que parece poca cosa, pero para mí es vital y más en el mundo de hoy donde desapareció la autenticidad.
Más allá del importantísimo y gran rol como copríncipe de Andorra, antes y después de la Constitución de 1993, donde probó que era fundamentalmente un hombre de Estado, a mí siempre me subyugó su humanismo intelectual y, sobre todo, moral y humano. Muy enraizado en Tarragona y en Catalunya, tuvo muy claro que era co-jefe de Estado de mi pequeño país, Andorra.
Sencillo, sin muchos cuentos, lector empedernido tanto de los clásicos griegos y latinos como de los clásicos de filosofía y teología, hasta hace poco, ya desde su residencia de los sacerdotes y obispos retirados de la calle Joan Güell de Barcelona, se había suscrito a diversas revistas de todo tipo por «estar al día» como él decía a menudo. Habíamos mantenido largas conversaciones con un magnetófono en medio, de lo humano y lo divino para hacer un día un libro mío, sobre él... ¡Ay!
Habíamos compartido mantel y bacalao en La Malla de Barcelona y le encantaba conducir. Un hombre de bien y un hombre bueno. Un humanismo abierto y amplio, profundamente arraigado y convencido de su «misión cristiana y sacerdotal», como él repetía a menudo. Sonreía con bondad cuando yo más de una vez le decía: «Escuche, soy creyente pero no demasiado practicante...» sabiendo que tal vez no le gustase demasiado. Pero me comprendía, sabio y auténtico humanismo.
Hace pocos días en el Hospital del Mar en Barcelona me preguntaba sobre el concordato que Andorra firmó con la Santa Sede. Y se sentía contento. También me dijo que «no sentía miedo de la muerte, quizá sufrir...». Como todos los hombres buenos y de bien, como las personas auténticas.

Antoni Morell, Embajador de Andorra en el Vaticano

8 de setembre 2009: Diada de Meritxell - Festa nacional

Com cada any participen en la Diada de Nostra Sra. de Meritxell, Festa nacional d'Andorra, al Santuari de Meritxell, molts membres de la comunitat filipina. En l'imatge el Bisbe d'Urgell i Copríncep d'Andorra Mons. Joan-Enric Vives amb el Sr. Joel Lanzanas i Justin Fangon.

El Senyor Bisbe d'Urgell i Copríncep d'Andorra Mons. Joan-Enric Vives amb el Cònsol honorari de Filipines Hans-Peter Holbach i la seva mare Ursula.

Funeral per l'expresidenta de Filipines
Excma. Sra. Corazón Aquino.
Página oficial del Bisbat d'Urgell

La comunitat filipina d'Andorra ha volgut homenatjar i pregar per l'expresidenta del seu país, Filipines, l'Excma. Sra. Corazón Aquino, traspassada el dia 1 d'agost. Per això el diumenge dia 9 d'agost a l'església de St. Esteve d'Andorra la Vella, el Secretari general del Bisbat d'Urgell Mn. Ignasi Navarri, delegat especialment pel Sr. Bisbe i Copríncep per a aquesta ocasió, ha presidit el solemne funeral convocat pel Cònsol honorari de Filipines l'Excm. Sr. Hans-Peter Holbach, al qual han assistit el M.I. Sr. Ministre d'Afers Exteriors d'Andorra Xavier Espot, i la Sra. Eva Descarrega, directora general del Ministeri d'Afers Exteriors i Relacions Institucionals. L'arxiprest Mn. Ramon Sàrries ha llegit al final de la cerimònia aquest missatge del Bisbe i Copríncep:
"Benvolgut Sr. Cònsol honorari de les Filipines i membres de la Comunitat filipina al Principat d'Andorra, M'uneixo al dolor de la nació filipina per la mort de l'Excma. Sra. "Cory" Aquino, qui va ser una persona generosa envers el seu país i portadora de pau i democràcia. Us faig arribar el meu sincer condol i les meves pregàries per l'expresidenta Aquino, que al cel sia."

Diumenge, 9 d'Agost 2009
Galeria de fotos de la Ceremónia.
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Photo gallery of the ceremony.
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Mossen Ramon Sàrries, Arxiprest d'Andorra

Mossen Ignasi Navarri, Secretari General i Cancel.ler del Bisbat d'Urgell

Lita Sabado i Joel Lanzanas
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M.I. Sr. Xavier Espot, Ministre d'Exteriors, amb
la Sra. Eva Descàrrega, Directora General d'Afers Exteriors i Relacions Institucionals.
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PR-605-09, 10 August 2009 – Philippine Consul General in Barcelona Eduardo de Vega reported to the Department of Foreign Affairs that one of the two Co-Princes and Heads of State of the Principality of Andorra has joined the Filipino people in mourning the passing of former Philippine President Corazon C. Aquino.

In his message, Monsignor Joan Enric Vives, Bishop of Urgell and Co-Prince of Andorra, said: “I join the Filipino people in their grief over the passing of Her Excellency, Madame “Cory’ Aquino, who was such a generous person to her nation, and a bearer of peace and democracy. My sincere condolences and prayers for President Aquino. May she be in Heaven.”

Andorra is a small and independent principality situated between Spain and France in the Pyrenees mountains. Under a 1607 edict issued by the King of France, the head of France (now the President of France) and the Bishop of the adjoining Spanish town of Urgell were made nominal Co-Princes and Heads of State of Andorra, a situation which has continued after Andorra acquired full sovereignty and independent status as a UN nation in 1993.

The Philippine Honorary Consul in Andorra, Hans-Peter Holbach, also opened Condolence Books for the local consular corps and the local Filipino community, estimated at around 700 (in a country with a population of 85,000). Among the consuls who signed the Condolence Book were the Consul General of Spain and the honorary Consuls of Italy, Germany, United Kingdom, Switzerland, Ukraine and Chile.

A memorial mass (partly held in Filipino) was also celebrated on August 9 at the Saint Esteve Church in the capital, Andorra la Vella. A number of Filipino community members and other residents and citizens of Andorra signed the condolence book during the occasion.

In a letter sent to the Philippine Consulate General in Barcelona (which has consular oversight over Andorra), the leader of the local Filipino community, Mr. Carlos Canlas, expressed the sentiments of Filipinos in Andorra when he said: “It was through President Corazon Aquino’s quiet and dignified leadership that the Philippines once again gathered the vigor and determination to serve as an inspiration for all freedom-loving people in the world.” END


Andorra celebra una missa en honor a l'expresidenta de les Filipines
L'església de Sant Esteve d'Andorra la Vella ha acollit una missa en honor a l'expresidenta de les Filipines, Corazón Aquino, que va morir l'1 d'agost passat.

La cerimònia s'ha fet en català i en tagal, la llengua oficial del país asiàtic, i ha reunit un centenar de persones.  La mort de Cory Aquino, la primera dona que va ocupar el càrrec de cap d'estat a l'Àsia, no només va commocionar les Filipines, sinó també altres països del món. Després de rebre diversos homenatges, Andorra s'hi ha afegit aquest diumenge amb una missa. Aquino va assumir la presidència de les Filipines a mitjans dels anys vuitanta, quan va ser assassinat el seu marit, un popular senador de l'oposició. Després de la mort del seu marit, Aquino va liderar una revolució contra l'aleshores president, el dictador Ferdinand Marcos. Va aconseguir reinstaurar les eleccions democràtiques a les Filipines, però va haver de fer front a diversos cops d'estat durant els sis anys que va ocupar la presidència. Per aquests motius, la comunitat filipina d'Andorra considera Aquino una de les personalitats més importants del seu país. Després de la missa, els assistents han signat el llibre de condolències dedicat a Cory Aquino.

Cliceu aqui per veure el Video d'Andorra Televisió ATV
Please click here to see the Video from Andorran Television ATV

Diari d'Andorra 10.08.2009


Diplomatic and Consular Corps sign book of Condolence for President Aquino
El cos diplomàtic i consular signen el llibre de condol de la presidenta Aquino

Consul General D. Francisco Ochoa de Olza Vidal signing the book of Condolence.
El Cònsol General D. Francisco Ochoa de Olza Vidal signant el llibre de condol.

Angelica Turroni, Honorary Consul of Italy in Andorra, signing the book of Condolence
in the presence of (from left to right): Enric Palmitjavila Ribó, Honorary Consul of Germany in Andorra, Fiona Dean, Honorary Consul of the UK in Andorra, Eric Auderset, Honorary Consul of Switzerland in Andorra, Antoni Zorzano Riera, Honorary Consul of Ukraine in Andorra, Fernando Bontempi Prieto, Honorary Consul of Chile in Andorra, and Hans-Peter Holbach, Consul a.h. of the Philippines in Andorra.

Angelica Turroni, Cònsol Honorari d' Italia a Andorra, signant el llibre de condol en presència de (d'esquerra a dreta): Enric Palmitjavila Ribó, Cònsol Honorari d'Alemanya a Andorra, Fiona Dean, Cònsol Honorari del Regne Unit a Andorra, Eric Auderset, Cònsol Honorari de Suïssa a Andorra, Antoni Zorzano Riera, Cònsol Honorari d'Ucraïna a Andorra, Fernando Bontempi Prieto, Cònsol Honorari de Xile a Andorra, i Hans-Peter Holbach, Cònsol a.h. de les Filipines a Andorra.

01 d'agost 2009

Benvolgut Sr. Cònsol honorari de les Filipines,

M'uneixo al dolor de la nació filipina per la mort de l'Excma. Sra. "Cory" Aquino, qui va ser una persona generosa envers el seu país i portadora de pau i democràcia.

Repeteixo el meu sincer condol i les meves pregàries per l'expresidenta Aquino, que al cel sia.

+ Joan-Enric Vives
Bisbe d'Urgell i Copríncep d'Andorra


August 01, 2009
Former Philippine President Cory Aquino dead at 76

MANILA, Philippines (AP) — Former President Corazon Aquino, who swept away a dictator with a "people power" revolt and then sustained democracy by fighting off seven coup attempts in six years, died on Saturday, her son said. She was 76.

The uprising she led in 1986 ended the repressive 20-year regime of Ferdinand Marcos and inspired nonviolent protests across the globe, including those that ended Communist rule in eastern Europe.

But she struggled in office to meet high public expectations. Her land redistribution program fell short of ending economic domination by the landed elite, including her own family. Her leadership, especially in social and economic reform, was often indecisive, leaving many of her closest allies disillusioned by the end of her term.
Still, the bespectacled, smiling woman in her trademark yellow dress remained beloved in the Philippines, where she was affectionately referred to as "Tita (Auntie) Cory."

"She was headstrong and single-minded in one goal, and that was to remove all vestiges of an entrenched dictatorship," Raul C. Pangalangan, former dean of the Law School at the University of the Philippines, said in 2009. "We all owe her in a big way."

Her son, Sen. Benigno "Noynoy" Aquino III, said his mother died at 3:18 a.m. Saturday (1918 GMT Friday).

Aquino was diagnosed with advanced colon cancer last year and confined to a Manila hospital for more than a month. Her son said the cancer had spread to other organs and she was too weak to continue her chemotherapy.

Supporters have been holding daily prayers for Aquino in churches in Manila and throughout the country for a month.
President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo, who is on an official visit to the United States, said in a statement that "the entire nation is mourning" Aquino's demise. Arroyo declared a period of national mourning and announced a state funeral would be held for the late president.

TV stations on Saturday were running footage of Aquino's years together with prayers while her former aides and supporters offered condolences.

Aquino's unlikely rise began in 1983 when her husband, opposition leader Benigno "Ninoy" Aquino Jr., was assassinated on the tarmac of Manila's international airport as he returned from exile in the United States to challenge Marcos, his longtime adversary.

The killing enraged many Filipinos and unleashed a broad-based opposition movement that thrust Aquino into the role of national leader.

"I don't know anything about the presidency," she declared in 1985, a year before she agreed to run against Marcos, uniting the fractious opposition, the business community, and later the armed forces to drive the dictator out.

Maria Corazon Cojuangco was born on Jan. 25, 1933, into a wealthy, politically powerful family in Paniqui, about 75 miles (120 kilometers) north of Manila.

She attended private school in Manila and earned a degree in French from the College of Mount St. Vincent in New York. In 1954 she married Ninoy Aquino, the fiercely ambitious scion of another political family. He rose from provincial governor to senator and finally opposition leader.

Marcos, elected president in 1965, declared martial law in 1972 to avoid term limits. He abolished the Congress and jailed Aquino's husband and thousands of opponents, journalists and activists without charges. Aquino became her husband's political stand-in, confidant, message carrier and spokeswoman.

A military tribunal sentenced her husband to death for alleged links to communist rebels but, under pressure from U.S. President Jimmy Carter, Marcos allowed him to leave in May 1980 for heart surgery in the U.S.

It was the start of a three-year exile. With her husband at Harvard University holding court with fellow exiles, academics, journalists and visitors from Manila, Aquino was the quiet homemaker, raising their five children and serving tea. Away from the hurly-burly of Philippine politics, she described the period as the best of their marriage.

The halcyon days ended when her husband decided to return to regroup the opposition. While she and the children remained in Boston, he flew to Manila, where he was shot as he descended the stairs from the plane.

The government blamed a suspected communist rebel, but subsequent investigations pointed to a soldier who was escorting him from the plane on Aug. 21, 1983.

Aquino heard of the assassination in a phone call from a Japanese journalist. She recalled gathering the children and, as a deeply religious woman, praying for strength.

"During Ninoy's incarceration and before my presidency, I used to ask why it had always to be us to make the sacrifice," she said in a 2007 interview with The Philippine Star newspaper. "And then, when Ninoy died, I would say, 'Why does it have to be me now?' It seemed like we were always the sacrificial lamb."

She returned to the Philippines three days later. One week after that, she led the largest funeral procession Manila had seen. Crowd estimates ranged as high as 2 million.

With public opposition mounting against Marcos, he stunned the nation in November 1985 by calling a snap election in a bid to shore up his mandate. The opposition, including then Manila Archbishop Cardinal Jaime L. Sin, urged Aquino to run.

After a fierce campaign, the vote was held on Feb. 7, 1986. The National Assembly declared Marcos the winner, but journalists, foreign observers and church leaders alleged massive fraud.

With the result in dispute, a group of military officers mutinied against Marcos on Feb. 22 and holed up with a small force in a military camp in Manila.

Over the following three days, hundreds of thousands of Filipinos responded to a call by the Roman Catholic Church to jam the broad highway in front of the camp to prevent an attack by Marcos forces.

On the third day, against the advice of her security detail, Aquino appeared at the rally alongside the mutineers, led by Defense Minister Juan Ponce Enrile and Lt. Gen. Fidel Ramos, the military vice chief of staff and Marcos' cousin.

From a makeshift platform, she declared: "For the first time in the history of the world, a civilian population has been called to defend the military."

The military chiefs pledged their loyalty to Aquino and charged that Marcos had won the election by fraud.

U.S. President Ronald Reagan, a longtime supporter of Marcos, called on him to resign. "Attempts to prolong the life of the present regime by violence are futile," the White House said. American officials offered to fly Marcos out of the Philippines.

On Feb. 25, Marcos and his family went to the U.S.-run Clark Air Base outside Manila and flew to Hawaii, where he died three years later.

The same day, Aquino was sworn in as the Philippines' first female leader.

Over time, the euphoria fizzled as the public became impatient and Aquino more defensive as she struggled to navigate treacherous political waters and build alliances to push her agenda.

"People used to compare me to the ideal president, but he doesn't exist and never existed. He has never lived," she said in the 2007 Philippine Star interview.

The right attacked her for making overtures to communist rebels and the left, for protecting the interests of wealthy landowners.

Aquino signed an agrarian reform bill that virtually exempted large plantations like her family's sugar plantation from being distributed to landless farmers.

When farmers protested outside the Malacanang Presidential Palace on Jan. 22, 1987, troops opened fire, killing 13 and wounding 100.

The bloodshed scuttled talks with communist rebels, who had galvanized opposition to Marcos but weren't satisfied with Aquino either.

As recently as 2004, at least seven workers were killed in clashes with police and soldiers at the family's plantation, Hacienda Luisita, over its refusal to distribute its land.

Aquino also attempted to negotiate with Muslim separatists in the southern Philippines, but made little progress.

Behind the public image of the frail, vulnerable widow, Aquino was an iron-willed woman who dismissed criticism as the carping of jealous rivals. She knew she had to act tough to earn respect in the Philippines' macho culture.

"When I am just with a few close friends, I tell them, 'OK, you don't like me? Look at the alternatives,' and that shuts them up," she told America's NBC television in a 1987 interview.

Her term was punctuated by repeated coup attempts — most staged by the same clique of officers who had risen up against Marcos and felt they had been denied their fair share of power. The most serious attempt came in December 1989 when only a flyover by U.S. jets prevented mutinous troops from toppling her.

Leery of damaging relations with the United States, Aquino tried in vain to block a historic Senate vote to force the U.S. out of its two major bases in the Philippines.

In the end, the U.S. Air Force pulled out of Clark Air Base in 1991 after the eruption of Mount Pinatubo forced its evacuation and left it heavily damaged. The last American vessel left Subic Bay Naval Base in November 1992.

After stepping down in 1992, Aquino remained active in social and political causes.

Until diagnosed with colon cancer in March 2008, she joined rallies calling for the resignation of President Arroyo over allegations of vote-rigging and corruption.

She kept her distance from another famous widow, flamboyant former first lady Imelda Marcos, who was allowed to return to the Philippines in 1991.

Marcos has called Aquino a usurper and dictator, though she later led prayers for Aquino in July 2009 when the latter was hospitalized. The two never made peace.

Jaume Bartumeu Cassany és el nou cap de Govern d'Andorra.
A la cerimònia d'investidura a la Casa de la Vall va assistir també el Cònsol honorari Hans-Peter Holbach i va transmetre les millors salutacions i desitjos del Govern Filipí.
La foto (Copyright Josep Anton Viladot) va ser presa immediatament després de l'investidura a la Casa de la Vall.

Jaume Bartumeu Cassany is the new Prime Minister of the Principality of Andorra.
At the ceremony of investiture in the Casa de la Vall participated the Honorary Consul Hans-Peter Holbach and conveyed the best regards and wishes of the Filipin Government.
The photo (Copyright Josep Anton Viladot) was taken immediately after the investiture in the Casa de la Vall.

El M.I. Cap de Govern Jaume Bartumeu Cassany i Hans-Peter Holbach, Cònsol a.h.

PH-029-09, 26 February 2009 - A consular team from the Philippine Consulate General in Barcelona led by Vice Consul Arman R. Talbo was in Andorra over the 21-22 February 2009 weekend and provided consular services to the local Filipino community. Nearly one fourth of the estimated 700 Filipinos in Andorra (pop: 75,000) availed themselves of services such as passport processing, registration of Reports of Birth, and registration as OAV voters. Vice Consul Talbo and the Barcelona PCG team were joined by the Philippine Honorary Consul in Andorra, Hans Peter Holbach, and local Filipino community leaders and members. END

Opening of the MUBA in Basel. Article from the "Basler Zeitung".
Inauguració de la fira MUBA a Baselas. Article del diari "Basler Zeitung".

Conferencia el dia 18.01.2008 de M.I. Senyor Albert Pintat ante el Circulo de Directivos de habla Alemana en Barcelona.

Nadal 2008 / Christmas 2008





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